Monday 22 October 2018

Do Sinn Fein now think they are above electoral regulations?

These Sinn Fein posters campaigning against the United Kingdom's membership of the EU have started appearing across Northern Ireland over the past week or so. The referendum on membership of the EU took place over two years ago, so why are these posters permitted, after all 
according to the electoral commission under the heading ‘Campaign publicity dos and don’ts
 1.25 "You (a candidate or party) must: 
• Make sure that outdoor posters are removed promptly after the election – you must do this within two weeks of the close of the poll." 

So why have these Sinn Fein posters been allowed to be erected across the province and remained up for this length of time? Contact the Electoral Commission and join Unionist Truth Forum in asking why.
Tel: 0333 103 1928

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