Sunday 29 April 2018

Fanciful stories & fairy-tale's

Smeared on the front page of this mornings Sunday World is a fabrication on a par with any of Roald Dahl’s fairy-tale classics. 

So called ‘Journalist’ (we use that term very, very loosely) and convicted drunk driver Richard Sullivan has once again plucked a divisive, derogatory and undoubtedly false story from the ether and splashed the unsubstantiated lies across three pages in this weeks edition of the Sunday rag.

Hitting out at the collective unionist organisations, who not so long ago publicly committed to fight against corruption and crime from rogue elements within the respective organisations, Drunken Dick has claimed today, through the usual unnameable and most likely non-existent sources that its business as usual for the ‘crime bosses’ across the board.

With stories of massive drug empires, involvement with international cartels and stormy high level meetings it’s getting difficult to see what reality, if any, Richard Sullivan has currently taken residence.

We would have to ask ourselves what motive Richard Sullivan would possibly have to cast shadows on the progress made in recent weeks and months, such as anti-drug campaigns, suicide awareness and initiatives to engage with the PSNI at local level. Just what is the agenda? 

But sure, it sells papers......

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